
ChesedChicago Provisions
Our warehouse provides essentials such as:
  • Neiman-Fine Community Food Pantry
  • Food Vouchers
  • Clothing
  • Furniture & Appliances
  • Baby Needs
  • Toys, Bikes, School Supplies
  • Bridal Needs 
  • Medical Equipment
  • Co-Op Shop for Klei Kodesh
Medical Assistance
ChesedChicago Medical Assistance
Our team is here for you in time of medical need, assisting with and facilitating services such as:
  • Fertility Treatment
  • Mental Health
  • Medical Insurance
  • Extraordinary Medical Expenses
Financial Stability
ChesedChicago Financial Stability
We provide a wide range of finance-related assistance programs, like:
  • School and Camp Tuition Assistance
  • Government Benefits Assistance
  • Interest-Free Loan Fund
  • Single Parent Assistance
  • Simcha Assistance
  • Utilities Assistance
  • Eviction Prevention and Home Repairs
  • Tax, Debt, and Financial Counseling
Education & Family
ChesedChicago Education & Family
We offer critical services that assist families, including:
  • School-Based Therapies
  • Pediatric Non-School-Based Therapies
  • Mentoring
  • Youth Volunteerism
Second Time Around
Second Time Around
Pick-Ups / Drop-Offs
Our incredible second-hand program upcycles numerous essential household and clothing  items. The main categories we provide include:
  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Housewares

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Affiliate Programs

Annual Campaigns

Tesla raffle
Our annual Tesla raffle supports the work of ChesedChacago while providing the lucky winner with an amazing new electric vehicle.
tesla raffle
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>shas 4 shidduchim
Every year, hundreds of lomdim come together to complete Shas in 24 hours, as a z'chus to help Klal Yisroel's singles find their basherts.
shas 4 shidduchim
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Pesach campaign
The ChesedChicago annual Pesach campaign provides hundreds of families with everything they need to celebrate Pesach with dignity and excitement.
pesach campaign
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holiday campaign
Our orginization's fall holiday campaign which aims to make the new year sweeter for thousands of community members.
a sweeter new year
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