Understanding Medicare

November 24, 2024

Understanding Medicare
On Sunday, November 24, ChesedChicago collaborated with Chicago Mitzvah Campaign to host an informative lecture, “Understanding Medicare, Parts A, B, C, and D” for seniors ages 65 and up. Given by Shlomo Simon, CLU, Robinson Financial Group, the lecture provided important information about various Medicare programs, enabling attendees to ensure they are on the correct plan to maximize their benefits. With Medicare renewal season beginning, it was a timely and enlightening talk. The presentation was very well-received by 70+ attendees in person and over Zoom. “People appreciated the program offering and the thorough presentation,” said Lisa Burnstein, Director of Senior Services at Chicago Mitzvah Campaign. “It covered a lot of territory and the handouts were excellent. The information he offered about the difference between Medicare Advantage and regular Medicare was extremely illuminating and gave the audience something important to consider if they have one of those advantage plans. Based on the information I learned, I am speaking to my own mother about making changes to her plan this year. Shlomo stayed long after the presentation to answer people’s questions, which you can imagine, were many! I am very grateful that we did this program and hope that we can do an update next year during renewal season. Thank you to ChesedChicago for putting this program together. I think it will help a lot of people in the community.”

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